Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

We know that your privacy is important to you, and we want you to know that it is important to us too. We created this Policy to explain the types of information we collect through the Partnership for New York City website (, the Partnership Fund for New York City ( website, the Transit Tech Lab website (, the Environmental Tech Lab website (, the Buildings Tech Lab ( website, and the various social networking platforms that we use (each, a “Site”, and collectively referred to as the “Sites”); how we will use, disclose and protect this information once it is collected; and how you can opt-out of some of our uses and disclosures of your information.

Here are a few general principles to keep in mind as you read through this Policy:

  • The Sites are owned and operated by the Partnership for New York City, Inc. and its affiliates (collectively, “PNYC”, also referred to in this policy as “we,” “us,” “our” and other similar pronouns).

  • As our business evolves, this Policy may change, so check back to this page periodically to make sure you understand how your personal information will be treated.

  • If you are located outside of the United States, you should know that the information you provide to us is being transmitted to us and processed in the United States and will be protected subject to this privacy policy and United States laws, which may not be as protective as the laws in your country. Also, this Site places cookies and local shared objects on your computer or device which are further described below.


You may have the right to opt in to or opt out of certain of our uses and disclosures of your Personal Information. For example, when you are asked to provide Personal Information on this Site, you may have the opportunity to elect to, or not to, receive messages from us by e-mail. You may tell us that you do not want to receive our promotional messages by sending us your name and e-mail address to You can also opt-out of our promotional emails by clicking on the opt-out link within the e-mail you receive. Please understand that it may take us a few days to process any opt out request and that even if you opt out of receiving promotional correspondence from us, we may still contact you in connection with your relationship, activities and communications with us (for example, any proposal submissions you may make).


“Personal Information” is information that can be used to identify you as an individual or allow someone to contact you, as well as information attributed with such information. We collect different categories of Personal Information from different sources, including User-Provided Information and Site Usage Information. We also collect Personal Information from social networking and blogging platforms, which may provide both User-Provided Information and Site Usage Information. For more on social networking platforms, see the Social Networking section below.


We collect Personal Information such as your name, e-mail address and site browsing history, and information you submit in relation to a proposal (such as your name, your title, your phone number, company name, company description, company postal address, information related to the company’s funding and financials, and the proposal and related documents). For example, we collect Personal Information when you sign up for our newsletters, submit a proposal to us, or submit a comment or question to us using a “contact us” or similar feature on the Site.


As is the case with many Web sites, our servers automatically collect your IP address when you visit our Site, and we may associate that with your domain name or that of your Internet access provider. We may also capture certain “clickstream data” pertaining to your Site usage. Clickstream data includes, for example, information about your computer or device, Web browser and operating system and their settings, the referring page that linked you to the Site, the pages, content or ads you see or click on during your visit and when and for how long you do so, items you download, the next Web site you visit when you leave the Site, and any search terms you have entered on the Site or a referral site.

Among other things, this information enables us to generate analytics reports on the usage of our Site. To opt-out of your Site usage being included in our Google Analytics reports, you may follow these instructions.

In addition, we may deploy various tracking technologies on the Site to collect additional information about your Site visits. For example:

  • Cookies are small data files stored on your computer or device at the request of a Web site. A cookie assigns a unique numerical identifier to your Web browser, and may enable us to recognize you as the same user who was at our Site in the past, and relate your use of the Site to other information about you, such as your Site usage information and Personal Information. Cookies may also be used to enhance your experience on the Site or to collect general usage and aggregated statistical information. Most browsers can be set to detect cookies and give you an opportunity to reject them, but refusing cookies may, in some cases, inhibit or preclude your use of the Site or its features. To learn more about the use of cookies, including how to manage or delete them, click here.

  • HTML5 (the language some Web sites are coded in) may be used to store information on your computer or device about your Site usage activities. This information can be retrieved by us to determine how our Site is being used by our visitors, how it can be improved, and to customize it for our users.

  • A pixel tag (also known as a “clear GIF” or “web beacon”) is a tiny image – typically just one-pixel – that can be placed on a Web page or in our electronic communications to you in order to help us measure the effectiveness of our content by, for example, counting the number of individuals who visit us online or verifying whether you’ve opened one of our emails or seen one of our Web pages.

  • These tracking technologies may be deployed by us and/or by our service providers or partners on our behalf. These technologies enable us to assign a unique number or identifier to you, and relate your Site Usage Information to other information about you, including your Personal Information. These technologies also enable us to recognize you when you access our Site using different Web browsers and different computers or devices.

By using our Site, you consent to our use of these tracking technologies as described above.


We maintain a presence on several social networking and blogging platforms that are operated by third parties, such as Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube. This Policy applies to our use of information you submit to us there, but it does not apply to what those third party platforms do with your information. Those platforms have their own privacy policies, and we encourage you to read them. We may include tools on our Site that allow you to share and/or publicly post content or information from our Site to your profile on a third party social network. Third party social networking platforms and blogging platforms have their own privacy policies which explain how they will use, protect and share your information, including any information you share on those platforms from our Site, and we encourage you to read them.


We or our service providers may use the Personal Information we collect from and about you, including User-Provided Information, Site Usage Information and/or any information collected through Social Networking sites, to perform the following business functions:

  • signing you up to receive our emails

  • enabling users to use our Site and its features

  • reviewing any proposals you may submit

  • contacting users

  • administering the Site

  • responding to your requests, questions and concerns

  • market research

  • developing new features and offerings on the Site

  • protecting our rights and property

  • customizing our Site to your interests and history with us

  • other purposes disclosed when personal information is submitted to us

To perform the above functions, we may match information collected from you through different means or at different times, including both Personal Information and Site Usage Information, and use such information along with information obtained from other sources (including third parties) such as demographic information and updated contact information. We or our service providers may also use your information to assess the level of interest in, and use of, the Site, our e-mails and our other messaging campaigns both on an individual basis and in the aggregate.


Yes. We may share the information we collect on the Site with others for a variety of reasons. In addition to the kinds of information sharing you might expect, such as sharing with third parties who need your information in order to provide services to us (or on our behalf), we may share your information:

  • with our affiliates, service providers and other third parties, unless you tell us not to by following the instructions in the Opt In and Opt Out section above

  • when we believe in good faith that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights or property, protect your safety or the safety of others, investigate fraud or respond to a government, judicial or other legal request, or to comply with the law

  • in connection with a corporate change or dissolution, including for example a merger, acquisition, reorganization, consolidation, bankruptcy, liquidation, sale of assets or wind down of business

In addition, we may share non-personally identifiable Site Usage Information (including aggregate data) with others, for their own use, in a form that does not include your name or contact information.

When we share information with the above-listed third parties, we seek to limit such sharing to the extent possible, and to ensure that such third parties will use the information solely for the purpose of providing services to us and in accordance with this Policy.


Some web browsers may transmit “do-not-track” (DNT) signals to the websites with which the user communicates. Because of differences in how web browsers incorporate and activate this feature, it is not always clear whether users intend for these signals to be transmitted, or whether they even are aware of them. We currently do not change our tracking practices (which are explained in more detail under the Site Usage Information section above) in response to DNT settings in your web browser.

Our third party partners, such as web analytics companies, collect information about your online activities over time and across our Site and other online properties. We utilize Google Analytics for our web analytics and you can opt out of your Site usage data being included in our Google Analytics reports by visiting


You may review, update or modify certain of the Personal Information you have submitted to us by contacting us using the “Contact Us” information below. We may ask you to verify your identity and to provide other details before we are able to provide you with any information, correct any inaccuracies, or delete any information. Your right to delete your information is subject to our records retention policies.


While we endeavor to protect the security and integrity of sensitive Personal Information collected via this Site, due to the inherent nature of the Internet as an open global communications vehicle, we cannot guarantee that any information, during transmission through the Internet or while stored on our system or otherwise in our care, will be absolutely safe from intrusion by others, such as hackers.

If you correspond with us by e-mail, you should be aware that your transmission might not be secure. A third party could view the information you send in transit by such means. We will have no liability for disclosure of your information due to errors or unauthorized acts of third parties during or after transmission.

If at any time during or after our relationship we believe that the security of your Personal Information in our care may have been compromised, we may seek to notify you of that development. If a notification is appropriate, we will endeavor to notify you as promptly as possible under the circumstances. If we have your e-mail address, we may notify you by e-mail to the most recent e-mail address you have provided us in your account profile. Please keep your e-mail address in your account up to date. You can change that e-mail address anytime in your account profile. If you receive a notice from us, you can print it to retain a copy of it. To receive these notices, you must check your e-mail account using your computer or mobile device and email application software. You consent to our use of e-mail as a means of such notification. If you prefer for us to use the U.S. Postal Service to notify you in this situation, please e-mail us at You can make this election any time, and it will apply to notifications we make after a reasonable time thereafter for us to process your request. You may also use this e-mail address to request a print copy, at no charge, of an electronic notice we have sent to you regarding a compromise of your Personal Information. 


The Site may contain links, banners, widgets or advertisements that lead to other Web sites. We are not responsible for these other sites, and so their posted privacy policies (not this Policy) will govern the collection and use of your information on them. We encourage you to read the privacy statements of each Web site visited after leaving the Site to learn about how your information is treated by others.


We may change this Policy from time to time. When we do, we will let you know by posting the changed Policy on this page with a new “Effective Date.” In some cases (for example, if we significantly expand our use or sharing of your Personal Information), we may also tell you about changes by additional means, such as by sending an e-mail to the e-mail address we have on file for you. In some cases, we may request your consent to the changes.


If you have any questions or comments regarding our privacy practices, you may contact us at:

Partnership for New York City
One Battery Park Plaza, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10004

We also can be reached by phone at (212) 493-7400 and by e-mail at

Effective Date: June 6, 2024

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